From Mark Coker on his Smashwords blog March 20, 2010:
“According to the AAP (Association of American Publishers), in 2009 ebooks accounted for 3.31% of all trade book sales, up from only 1.19% in 2008. Even if sales stay flat from January onward in 2010, we’re looking at ebooks accounting for 6-8% of U.S. book sales in 2010. If sales accelerate further, a 10% monthly run rate is certainly likely by the end of this year. These numbers are dramatically higher than most reasonably-minded industry watchers predicted even a few months ago.…”
“In January, during Amazon’s quarterly earnings conference call, Jeff Bezos announced that for books it sells in both Kindle and print formats, ebooks were then accounting for 60% of unit sales.…”
“…the latest Book Industry Study Group survey.…BISG found that 47% of all ebook reading is happening not on these new-fangled devices, but on ordinary computer screens.”