This is my favorite home in the world. Built by Lloyd House and featured in Builders of the Pacific Coast, it’s on a small island in British Columbia. When I first saw it, it took my breath away. It was just perfect. The materials, the size, the shape, the way it fit into the environment as if it had grown there.
Funny thing: After 40+ years photographing builders and their buildings, I meet the builder of my dreams, and his name is Lloyd — House!
Even though we seldom see each other, we’re good friends. He’s built dozens of wonderful buildings in his career — most of them shown in the above book.
BTW, this is my favorite of all seven of our building books. It’s a story, an odyssey, from start to finish, hanging out with these wonderful people in British Columbia and documenting their unique creations. My intent was to take the reader along, riding shotgun, in my excursions to this land of wood and water.
nice.. right down to the fine details..oh, the details, yes.. where are they? Oh right, of course, the book !
anyway i like this curvy,tapered lines,even the mouse passage to the left of planter. I hope in your books ref.
you don’t give away the island name.. already Sunset mag,Outside,and various sailing blogs have scattered the word sufficiantly
to scuttle any remaining illusions for locals of remaining ‘truely off grid’ … I say let them float peacefully.. no outer island in their
right mind want to become another gift shop San Juan Isle.