Anonymous has left a new comment on your post Tiny Homes For The Homeless Built Out of Dumpster …”:
Hi Lloyd, ran across some more articles on this fellow and had a look at his website.
He now has a TON of pics of his tiny homes for the homeless, which he has pretty much created from garbage.
Hunted this post out, to put the link on, in case anyone is interesting in building some of these, he has quite detailed pics of his work in progress, and MANY many finished homes.
I believe these pics are from a photographer who has photographed this man’s work/art.
About Lloyd Kahn
Lloyd Kahn started building his own home in the early '60s and went on to publish books showing homeowners how they could build their own homes with their own hands. He got his start in publishing by working as the shelter editor of the
Whole Earth Catalog with Stewart Brand in the late '60s. He has since authored six highly-graphic books on homemade building, all of which are interrelated. The books, "The Shelter Library Of Building Books," include
Shelter II (1978),
Home Work (2004),
Builders of the Pacific Coast (2008),
Tiny Homes (2012), and
Tiny Homes on the Move (2014). Lloyd operates from Northern California studio built of recycled lumber, set in the midst of a vegetable garden, and hooked into the world via five Mac computers. You can check out videos (one with over 450,000 views) on Lloyd by doing a search on YouTube:
I LOVE that creative minds are working on creative solutions for the challenges facing the un-housed but I'm troubled when those solutions include re-purposing dumpsters. What kind of message are we sending when the best we can do for someone living in the street is to put them in something meant for trash. We can do better.
Alain…sure…"someone" can do better,
but, I have to say, I believe the fellow above has done amazing job at repurposing garbage and throw outs, to make something "better" than they have.
if you/anyone wants to offer these folks a "room" to rent, the homeless one could consider it.
some folks who are homeless, art truly fed up with the limits/restrictions folks/institutions/society put on them if they live in "normal" accommodations. Truly.
If one has enough money and social standing, one can flip the bird to "normal conventions" (washing/eating certain food/etc), . (Howard Hughes…by all accounts had some very weird habits, but weren't no one going to call him out on it).
However, is one is poorish regarding money, there is an almost endless stream of folks and institutions who are quite certain they "know best". Quite.
To have a small, moveable structure, which is reasonably safe, free of rain, has some privacy, seems much preferable to sleeping on a grate or park bench, or under a bridge. And, safer.
Alain and Anonymous, as one who has spent some time under the Burnside Bridge in Portland, Oregon; used the good good services of "The Sally"; missions, and various other helping hand organizations, I can testify that anything that improved my condition was much appreciated. Especially, any cubbyhole that got me out of the freakin' Oregon rain. Sure, I put myself in that position, but at the time I wasn't making the connection. Now that was over six decades ago, but that lifestyle doesn't change much … maybe more jackrollers and drug wierdos … but, still … .
We can argue social improvement philosophies till our ass falls off, but the guy who on his own time and with his own money, gathers materials and fabrics a shelter, then pushes it out on the street for anyone who needs it (without qualifications), is my kinda guy.
sniff, sniff, (we are all God's children) I looked at all these little creative little sleep things….God bless the creator…and those that got to use these…May they be like Kiniboy and progress to better times ahead. In the mean time…these will do for a little while.
Homeless Advocates Push For Right To Rest
Advocates for the homeless in California say people who live on the street are often arrested and harassed for simply staying in one place. The advocates held a rally in front of the state Capitol today to call for legislation that would allow the homeless to rest in public spaces, among other things.
"We'd walk the streets all day. We’d walk all night," she says. "We had nowhere we could sit in peace and rest. Rather we were exhausted, about to fall. If you sit down the police would harass you and you’d have to move."
Paul Boden is with the Western Regional Advocacy Project, which supports the homeless. He says these laws criminalize basic human behavior.
"All of us, regardless of our skin color, regardless of our economic status, and regardless of our housing status, every single one of us is going to violate these laws. But only some of us are going to go to jail for it," he says.
The Berkeley study found California cities have more anti-homeless laws than cities in other states.
This is a "good thing",but does not negate need for above shelters…
Reno's Homeless Get Vision Exams And Other Services
In the Downtown Reno Events Center, project Homeless Connect offered 85 different services to an estimated 1,000 people. For the first time vision service provider VSP Global offered exams and glasses for free. Medicaid in most states does not cover eye glasses and VSP says better vision can be critical to improving a life. Not having glasses makes it hard to get a driver’s license, fill out a job or rental application.
Public Fridge
I can see genuine concerns with this idea, however….might it be a way to help homeless / share food?
Apparently it is workable and fairly common in Germany.
I like the idea of the dignity it affords those who could use the food to "take what you need / will eat".
County Officials Condemn Public Fridge
A UC Davis student is on a mission to stop food waste by placing a refrigerator in his front yard for neighbors to share leftovers.
Ernst Oehninger pulled up his garage door to reveal a used soda fridge. A sign read, “Take what you need and leave what you don’t.”
Currently, the shelves are fairly bare.
There is a bag of roasted seaweed, some macaroni, and a couple of cans —
including some pumpkin puree. But, at the height of the fridge’s popularity Oehninger says it was packed.
“There was one day we were concerned about space because there was so much food in there," he says.
"I think the next day everything was gone, and the day after it was full again."
Around Thanksgiving the shelves were filled with turkey, casseroles, fruits and vegetables.
Oehninger tracked the items on an Excel spreadsheet. He says about four items were exchanged daily.
Oehninger is a Phd student from Brazil. He is studying environmental policy and he says he’s passionate about food waste.
He bought the fridge after he saw a similar idea explode in Germany. The New York Times reports that there are more than 50 public refrigerators in Berlin.
Jim Swinehart added granola bars one day.
He says the fridge helped start conversations in the neighborhood.
“One sees a car drive up and two elderly ladies get out and go over and look to see what’s in the fridge," he says. "It builds community.”
What happens next is sad. One has to wonder if these "Officials" ever had to miss a meal / miss many meals?
However, in late October Yolo County officials slapped a red condemned notice on the fridge.
They cited Oehninger’s effort as “illegal food sharing.”
Oehninger kept with it until his landlord stepped in and made him remove the fridge.
the county requires a health permit to give away or sell food to the public.
Petition to Allow Fridge Sharing
Facebook to Allow Fridge Sharing
More making it tough slogging for the homeless to get some shut eye…
Sacramento's Anti Camping Ordinance Challenged
Apparently it can work….
Public Fridges in Germany / Belgium
It is hard to believe some of this could be suggested/could happen. (below)
AND, a “Different Sort Of Viewpoint”
Los Angeles Considering Proposal to Ban Feeding Homeless People in Public
Homeless by ‘Design’…
People in Nevada City Must Now Get a Permit to Sleep in Public, in the Woods or in Their Own Cars!
Article is about laying off Disabled People, by Canada Federal Govt — SHOULD be about the Slave Wages
shouldn't Human Rights (lawyer) be suing the Canadian Federal Govt be suing on these folks behalf for,
at the least, back pay at minimum wage rates??? They provided a service, did what was asked, showed up to work on time.
1.15-an-hour job she’s had for 35 years
a wastepaper sorting and disposal plant at Tunney’s Pasture where she and dozens of other
developmentally disabled people have been gainfully employed disposing of copious
quantities of secret and confidential federal government paper — as much as 40 per cent of it — since 1980.
As of month’s end, their workplace and sense of community and friendship
will be just another empty federal government building.
The group of 50 workers has been told to vacate the premises.
When you’re going to have 50 people out of paying jobs, it’s not nice
Cumulatively, the group cost the federal government
$124,600 year in honorarium payments that supplement
the workers’ provincial disability payments of about $1,000 a month.
Each honorarium is worth about $2,000 a year — or $1.15 an hour.
“We rely on the income,” he added. “We can’t just live on ODSP
(Ontario Disability Support Program).
Most jobs are minimum wage now, but it’s hard for people like us with disabilities to find work.
When you’re going to have 50 people out of paying jobs, it’s not nice.”
His colleague Robert Dore, 51, a trained forklift driver with 21 years on the job,
said the extra money helps to pay for his basic needs.
“I’m bitter that it’s coming to an end,” he said.
Aside from laying off the cheapest labour in government,
the cancellation of the program means that the 20 or so federal departments and agencies that used the service,
will now have to individually fund their own paper disposal
— likely through significantly more expensive contracts with private shredding and disposal companies.
seems like there is another fellow doing something along the same lines. Even has a go fund me page, and few news articles.
Nasty Nasty – California Church Soaks Homeless People With Water – To Chase the Homeless Away
Can't Recall if you've featured anything on Dignity Village…
Hunted out links on some more of those mentioned in above article
Dignity Village
Quixoteviille Village
Opportunity Village
and here is a small house building company
Backyard bungalows
Village of Hope in Fresno
River Haven in Ventura
OM Village in Madison
Second Wind Cottages in upstate New York
Community First in Austin, Texas
Innovative new East Austin micro-village will rent to homeless for $210 a month
This is tough…