Rain, rain, go away — just kidding — it’s wonderful. More rainfall as of this date (December 17th) than in the last 10 years. 20-1/2″ so far, and TOTAL rainfall for the past 3 years has been 23-24″ per year (June is end of season). California (at least coastal) is starting to pull through. The big boy, Shasta Lake (visible from Interstate 5) is 32% full as compared to normal of 52% this time of year; it’s a good start. Come on low pressure, stick around, keep on keepin the storm track open…
Last night I was driving home about 9:30 in the pitch-black rainy night along the coast, Billy Boy Arnold playing a blues song, when a coyote appeared, trotting along the left side of the road. I pulled alongside him, rolled the window down and turned up the music full blast. He ambled along, glancing over at me, seemingly unconcerned, for 20-30 seconds before veering off into the coyote (sic) brush. Wily, mos def…