I went on a short bike ride last night and stopped for a few minutes. When I went to get back on the bike, I put my weight on the left pedal with my left foot, gave a push to get rolling, and swung my right foot over the frame to get to the other pedal. As I did so, my baggy shorts caught on the seat, and I couldn’t get my foot across. Momentum carried me and the bike over to the right and I hit the pavement, taking most of the blow with my forearm. Man, did it hurt! (Now I know why cyclists wear tight shorts.)
You know the first thing I do when I fall (usually it’s when skating)? I look around to see if anybody saw me. No one was there, no cars on the road, so I just lay there for a while. Next in my sequence is to assess the damage; how bad am I hurt? I felt a real strong pain in my right lower ribs, and groaned really loudly. It seemed to help. I started taking deep breaths, still lying there, and the pain got better. Voila, I was off again, and lucky to just be a little bit sore today. Let’s hear it for Ibuprofin (+ hot baths and Tiger Balm)!
Recumbent trikes rule!