When I got back from Germany (a week at the Frankfurt Book Fair), I reviewed all the comments (on various posts) that I’ve received recently, and they’re quite wonderful. I’m learning a lot. People are amplifying (and correcting) the info in the posts, as well as letting me know when I’m connecting. Inspiration to keep going.
I have about 1000-1500 visitors a day. Not exactly viral, but a nice-sized community. I love doing this, to tell the truth. Blogging is foremost in my mind when I come into the studio each morning, even tho it’s non-remunerative. I’m excited about what I see in the world, and want to tell others. It’s communication, pure and simple, which has fascinated me since my high school course in journalism. I’d love to work on a newspaper, but I can’t write that fast, and my stomach wouldn’t handle the deadline pressure. So I publish the (very) occasional book, and now try to get out a blog post each day. I don’t have time to respond to many comments, and could never take the time to do Facebook as it’s being done. But this, a daily shot or two, works for me. The web allows me to broadcast.
This blog community reminds me a bit of the booklovers in Fahrenheit 451, who were semi-outlaws on the outskirts of the regulated society and dedicated to books and the earth and freedom.
Thanks, Lloyd! I so enjoy visiting your blog, and am inspired by your work. Keep it up! We appreciate it.
Ditto that. I love that you love it.
p.s. http://www.activerelease.com
I am so happy you blog (and that you love it)! I like to "tune in" to see your photos and read interesting, positive information. It helps offset the depressing news we tend to hear about from the media everyday. Thanks for sharing all you share, here and in your wonderful books.
Thanks for blogging, Lloyd! Since discovering your blog, I've visited almost every day. It's like stopping by for a few minutes to hang out with a good friend. Now that I know how you feel about reader comments, I'll try to give back a little!
I enjoy many of your posts…
The vastness of the universe wrapped up in what is now a collection of beautiful coffee table books… What's not to love? Next is you're about to start trippin on how the vastness of the ShelterPub collection can be presented digitally. I've got this feeling, once you start experimenting, the solution will present itself. Oh and as many others have noticed, your blogging skills have become outstanding. Good thing you ended up in this career Lloyd, cause you're a natural at this.
One of the things that I enjoy most about the various Shelter books is the personal asides that you include, describing your "Road Rig" for example. It provides the books with the embodiment of their author. I think that people enjoy the blog for much the same reason, it's a window in near real time to whats on your mind. I can't recall a single post that I didn't find interesting and that's something. I'd like to hear more about Louie though!
You are on my top 10 list of favorite blogs I check daily … but the posts I love the most always have to do with your walks on the beach, the fog, the pictures, the bones & shells & treasures you find. The road trips to Louie's & the coffee shops and late night beers at pubs with your friends and your musical selections. You are a friend to me!
I rarely comment so have to say in response that I love your blog! Love your eye and the stuff you spot or dig up. Thanks for the work you put into it. Glad you're planning to keep it going, looking forward to the new book!
Lloyd, like the others above, I visit your blog regularly. Your style is natural and I feel like I have found a long lost friend or kindred soul. Our interests and approaches to life are very similar. You are a real life Guy Montag. Keep up your broadcast.
Here be mine: http://bogiebushbuild.blogspot.com/
Lloyd, I see you as a creative person who applies that creativity in every aspect of your life. And you are generous enough to share that life with us, some of whom are more creatively challenged. This is a difficult and depressing time in this nation but we are exposed to something positive every day in your blog and that vision can often be applied to our benefit in our own lives.
BTW, I was really delighted that you enjoyed the Rockin the Red Dog film so much. So here's an interesting 60's snapshot of a different sort I saw recently: Eight Miles High (Das Wilde Leben) available on Netflix DVD or streaming. The story of Uschi Obermaier, rebellious German model and 'It' girl, member of Kommune 1 in Berlin, girlfriend to Keith Richards and Mick Jagger, and celebrity world traveler with Dieter Bockhorn in their elegant hippie bus in which they roamed for years. I love that bus!
Hi Lloyd – I’m so happy you’ve created this little corner of the blogging world. My husband and I both visit your blog daily, and we often discuss your posts over dinner in the evenings. Actually, my husband found you first and was always telling me about this and that that he had learned about from Lloyd, and I had to find out who this Lloyd was. I find your posts inspiring, informational and wonderful. Thanks for blogging!
I have never commented! A few years ago, my son mark, said "Mama you've got to read Lloyds blog" I do and have been up lifted and have been known to say"I love Lloyd" and I even bought the little powershoot camera that you have! Thank you for the adventures! I need them! gene
every day I open your blog like a window and I'm delighted to smell this refreshing breeze coming accross the Pacific. I very clearly understand what you say about writing fast and handling the deadline pressure… Your blog is an invitation to idle. It reflects love for life, love for nature and people, and concerns that I share. But there's something annoying… when I switch on my computer, thinking ''what's going on Lloyd's blog?'', I know I don't feel like setting to work… no, I don't !
…Inspiring — meaningful — and world-changing, just like your books!!
sorry for mistranslation (english is difficult) I didn't mean ''to idle'' which seems inappropriate, I mean that I take pleasure in wandering around through your blog with greedy curiosity !
I just wanted to chime in with the others to say that I love your work, both this blog and your books, and I enjoy sharing it with friends and family. I can't wait to see the tiny houses book, and I look forward to whatever comes next. Thank you for all you've shared, and keep up the great work!
Love your blog, its definteley one of my daily stops on the internets! Glad I found you after loving your Shelter books for so long, its nice to have a daily fix.
Glad I found your blog. I had bought Bob Anderson's Stretching and Bill Pearl's Getting Stronger books years ago. I'm into tiny houses and can't wait for your book about them.
Thanks Lloyd – I stop in every day for a reality check too. I'm glad you enjoy blogging – cos we certainly enjoy reading it. I have meagre blog a friend set up for me, but can't seem to get it off the ground, it takes dedication to keep updating it and I'm a slow writer and not terribly computer literate. Thanks for all your inspiration here and in print.Regards Rich. http://cerebralvortex.nano-host.co.uk/
Thank you Lloyd. Personal blogging is a wonderful thing. Experiences, sights and observations directly from a person you have some respect for & want to follow and not a big media organisation or committee. I have always been a little wary of posting comments as it feels like intruding on thoughts at times, but it is great to know words of encouragement or well meaning assistance are appreciated (I know I am glad of a wise word or two).
Like the others, I love your blog and appreciate it a great deal. Keep up the great work!
Love your blog Lloyd, and have learned so much. Hope our paths cross someday in "real" life. xoxoxoxoxox
Sorry I haven't said this before, but this is a great blog! I keep meaning to send you an email with a picture of what may be the tiniest useful project ever inspired by your books — a wooden shelf-like object that keeps the drain hose for my washing machine pointed the right way, inspired by the "clothespins" Louie used to hold the forms for his shop walls together, as featured in "Homework".
Anyhow, please keep blogging, I am always inspired by your posts.