Just published a few days ago, this new book by Wired mag “Senior Maverick” and CoolTools founder Kevin Kelly is, as I speak this morning, #56 on Amazon’s bestseller list (!). Reviewer Thomas King writes:
“What Technology Wants offers a highly readable investigation into the mechanisms by which technology advances over time. The central thesis of the book is that technology grows and evolves in much the same way as an autonomous, living organism.
The book draws many parallels between technical progress and biology, labeling technology as “evolution accelerated.” Kelly goes further and argues that neither evolution nor technological advance result from a random drift but instead have an inherent direction that makes some outcomes virtually inevitable. Examples of this inevitability include the eye, which evolved independently at least six times in different branches of the animal kingdom, and numerous instances of technical innovations or scientific discoveries being made almost simultaneously.…”
Check out Kevin’s writeup on getting his first hard copy (hard cover) of the book, and ruminations on hold-in-hand books vs. eBooks: https://www.kk.org/thetechnium/
I ordered a copy yesterday. Lets see what Kevin thinks is going on tech-wise on the planet these days.