Press release: “Art Carpenter, self-taught woodworker writes about his process of becoming a designer of innovative and creative furniture. His book, 160 pages with magnificent color photographs, has been over 20 years in the writing.…
‘Name a contradiction, and Art Carpenter lived it. He was a square among hippies; a master craftsman who knew how to cut (or at least round) corners; a modernist with a rustic aesthetic; a much-revered icon who disliked being an object of attention. Even his name seemed to embody the happy union of two things normally kept apart. Though he hated the pun, it fit him perfectly. He was indeed a woodworker with deep aesthetic sense, or put the other way round, a born artist who knew how to get things done.'” -Glenn Adamson, head of graduate studies at the Victoria and Albert Museum, London
To order: Send $55 (includes tax and shipping) payable to Arthur Carpenter III to 120 Mountain Lane, Mill Valley, CA 94941.
Sounds like a man with a great perspective on things. Some of us want our work to be the thing of value, some are fortunate enough to be the face/name of what we hold dear. Sadly many now want to be famous or rather infamous for no particular reason other than self promotion.