Ever since my high school journalism course (thanks, Jack Patterson!) I’ve been a communicator. I’ve developed a reflex action of telling people about what I run across in the world. In about 40 years of publishing, I’ve done maybe 40 books, as well as posters, pamphlets, booklets, flyers and now – – blogs and tweets.
I started the blog in 2005, struggling with such a different type of media, posting maybe once a week, whenever I got a bit of time. Finally, I’m getting at least one post a day up. I’m getting around 5-600 visitors a day. It ain’t “viral,” but it’s sure fun! I get great feedback, surprisingly soon. Identification of mushrooms, correcting my mistakes (not infrequently), turning me on to stuff I’m interested in…
We’ll keep producing hold-in-your-hand books in the future,** but also increase internet communication, and produce e-books. (I’m hopeful that the iPad will allow us to do 4-color Shelter-book-style layout. C’mon Steve, don’t let us down!
*I love the haiku aspect of Twitter. You’ve got to write tight.
**Our book on tiny houses is assembling itself, right before my very eyes. Man it is lookin good!
Simplification in the 21st century…
I sure am glad you're writing your blog, Lloyd. It really complements your books, which are also great.
I'm still amazed by that aspect of the internet — that you can be living your life over there in the USA with your unique curiosity and enthusiasm, writing a post a day, which I read (rarely miss a post with RSS) while living my life down here in Australia looking at kangaroos out the window, and for me it's a 30 minute drive to the nearest town with a library. The internet is to printing what printing was to writing, and what writing was/is to thinking.
Much gratitude for your writing.
Lloyd i love your blog and read it all the time. sometimes i even re-read it if aren't any new posts…so the fact that you are posting daily makes me very pleased indeed. something in it connects me to a more and authentic -and at times – primitive way of life…which I feel so far from here in Los Angeles. Having lived in the Bay Area for years, you are a kind of link back to my days there. And when I hear about you driving home from Nicasio, it just makes me swoon. What I wouldn't give for a drive out that way and a stop at Tomales Bakery…
I even follow you on twitter (which i don't really even know how to do…perhaps it's a simple as just logging in? 😉
Be well Lloyd !
You keep writing, I'll keep reading. I know I will often come away from your blog feeling inspired. 🙂
Definitely a very eclectic blog- which is one of the great things about it. Some great photos too. And I can't wait til you release the next book. I own Shelter, Homework, AND Builders Of The Pacific coast- and as I told you, they were all HUGELY influential in me finally writing my own book "Humble Homes…"- so 200+ thanks again Lloyd, and I'll certainly be picking up the new book when its done. 'Best with all and thanks again for featuring my book in your blog the other month.
Author of "Humble Homes…"