In a long article about the possibility that Apple will come up with a beautifully designed and crafted, wow-inspiring device that’ll knock somewhat-dowdy Kindle for a loop:
“Nonetheless, this is how Steve Jobs could perform a jujitsu move on Jeff Bezos. After Amazon went through the trouble and expense of seeding the landscape, implanting the concept of the e-book in people’s minds, creating a market where there wasn’t one before, and moving to control the distribution system, Apple could muscle its way in with a full-color multitouch-screen media tablet that not only reads books but also offers video, music, Web surfing, email, and the combined power of the iTunes and Apple App Store. The device might even load into a desktop dock that accommodates a full-size keyboard. Books would only be a small part of what it offers, making it appeal to a vastly larger audience than the Kindle’s….”
From “Amazon Taps Its Inner Apple” by Adam L. Penenberg;, Wed Jul 1, 2009