It took me a long time to accept the Mac. The first fax I saw blew me away; how can a drawing come over the phone line? Then I got dragged into blogging. After a few years, I’m finally comfortable with it; it satisfies my compulsion to communicate (and publish pix). I skipped Facebook and MySpace, but Twitter beckoned. I’m still in the novice stage, but enthralled — 140 max spaces means you write tight, good writer’s exercise. Perfect for my stream-of consciousness discoveries. Tweets go thru my mind all day long, always have. Trying to get some of them down without taking too much time, still gotta make a living. Right now I follow v. few people on Twitter. No extra time. It’s pretty much an output device for me. Jeez, what I can find on Google! You know, it’s a pretty goddamn interesting time on this planet right now!
By Lloyd Kahn
on June 25, 2009