A house built on stilts in the Palestinian village Bruqin to avoid paying taxes (Palestinians pay according to square footage on the ground!). This is from https://www.annainthemiddleeast.com/,which I just ran across today: Anna Baltzer’s observations in Palestine. The blog’s subtitle: Anna’s Eyewitness Reports from Palestine: Stories & photographs from a Jewish American’s peacework documenting human rights abuses & supporting nonviolent direct action in the West Bank with the Int’l Women’s Peace Service
I got into blogging with mixed feelings a few years ago. I didn’t want yet another electronic obligation, but I keep running across wonderful and/or interesting stuff in the world and want to pass it along. I started out doing long blogs, once or twice a month, and have evolved into every few days. I’m into it. So if you check me out once a week, you’ll see what I’m running across in this new and changing year. In February I’m heading to Costa Rica to live in a surfer’s shack on a beach near the Pacific Ocean border with Panama. for a few weeks, then to Panama City on a bus and then get a flight to Brazil, in part to visit Johan van Lengen and see his wonderful school for ecological building in the Atlantic rainforest, where he says there are “…no lack of birds and butterflies, not to mention monkeys and all kinds of snakes…” I’ll be blogging when I can.