I got up at 6 this cold, dark, frosty, sunny morning, checked my email and found this comment on one of my recent blogs (wherein I’d said that what a lot of us did in the ’60s didn’t catch on with the mainstream until now).
Some background for this comment: In 1967 I was foreman on a job building a big-timber house on a ranch in Big Sur. We were living in a chicken coop on the ranch, and would often pick up hitchhikers on our way back and forth into Monterey for supplies. This guy wrote:
“‘But it just didn’t make it out to the mainstream…’
“I judge that it made it out into the mainstream more than you think. You picked me up hitchhiking in 1967, let me stay in your renovated chicken coop in Big Sur and sent me off the next day with homemade cookies. I saw what you were doing and listened to what you were saying and never forgot it as I made my way through mainstream society for the next however many years as a newspaper editor, state government official, etc. Your influence and vision was always with me. Thank you!”
I thought of it all morning as I drove through the Olema Valley for a 7:30 yoga class. It made the morning glow.
:::glowing right back to you:::
If you're ever in Vermont, you got a place to stay (with a dandy view of Lake Champlain). footsoar@gmail.com
Hello LLoyd,
I am writing an article on septic system additives for septicsystem.com. I'm sure you've got an opinion on a market of 1200 products with dubious value. Would you mind making a statement that I can include. I can call you at your conveninece or you can drop me a note at loram@wordsforthewise.net. Thanks in advance.
Lisa Oram