In a previous life, I built geodesic domes, and my dome was featured in Life in the early ’70s, so I did a search in the newly-available Life archives for “domes,” and found it:
I was also the publisher of Domebook 2, the countercultural bible of domebuilding, but after 5 years of dome building and dome living, I concluded that domes didn’t work as homes, and were in fact, a poorer and less practical way of enclosing space as compared to rectilinear construction. I took Domebook 2 out of print (and went out and shot photos for our book Shelter). I kept getting so many inquiries as to why I gave up on domes that I published a newsprint booklet titled Refried Domes, to answer all the questions. If you’re a dome fan and wonder why in the world I gave up on such an exciting concept, please don’t write me, but go to the link above and read everything on our website about domes.