I dropped into Sweetwater, the Mill Valley nightclub that I love madly, tonight on the way home from a day in the city. I didn’t know who the Rowan Brothers were. Oh Jeez were they good! Brothers Chris and Lorin head the band these days*, singing beautiful harmonies on each song. They work together seamlessly, whether it’s a Bob Marley song, or Sam-and-Dave type harmonies on a Sam Cooke song, or blue grass. They’re musical chameleons. Lovely love songs. Nothing trite. Everything high quality.
The brothers play great guitars. The bass player was perfect, great drummer, elegant organ player. What a band! I bought their 2-CD set, Now and Then and have been listening to it as I write this (it’s now 4 AM). It is so good! How did I miss these guys for so long? I’m gonna go see them if I hear of them playing anywhere around here. The only date on their website (https://www.rowanbrothers.com/2is July 20-23, 2006 at the Falcon Ridge Folk Fest, Hillsdale NY
*More famous bro Peter Rowan isn’t part of today’s band.