Yesterday I took a chainsaw and my pickup truck, and Marco and I went into the woods to cut up the oak tree that whacked me six weeks ago (to the day). I don’t suffer cracked ribs gladly; in fact I’m a real wimp about malfunctioning body parts. As I’ve been moping around the past month, I decided I wanted that tree. I had a connection…
A few weeks ago, I rode my bike out to where the tree was, and piled branches on top of it so no other homesteader would see that here was a half years’ supply of high quality firewood lying right there on the shoulder of the road.
It went perfectly. No rangers to stop us. I cut it up and Marco loaded it. It was a fine thing to do: we cleaned up the road; we’ve got oak to heat us this winter. As I explained to a ranger one day, this is a renewable resource, so that I’m not using non-renewable resources for heat, like coal to generate electricity, or oil or propane to run a furnace,
I’m going to slab out some 1 inch thick pieces, seal it, stick it, and clamp it to dry, then make a box, or a stool. Hey, I like the idea of a stool!
Dancing with deadwood! There is balance in the universe.
Glad you're feeling some better, felt real bad that you had some setbacks. Be well, enjoy. Thanks for all the little extras you add to my days. Very sincerely, omo.
any spare rib bones in your collection that you could work into the stool design?