Australian Beekeepers Invention: Honey on Tap

On 2/19/15, Kevin Kelly wrote in a message entitled

Automatic honey harvester:

“Might be revolutionary; might be hype.

To which I replied:

“Looks plausible. The FAQs read pretty well. You keep the normal brood chamber.

They ought to set one up in the UC Davis bee lab. You used to be able to stop in there and watch the bees through a glass cover do their pollen-directional dance.

If this really does work and doesn’t get clogged, it’s revolutionary. To not have to mess with extractors would be a boon for a family-sized bee colony.”


Then Kevin emailed again:

“That crazy honey extractor has raised $ 2.5 million so far and counting.

If it does not work a lot of folks will be disappointed.

But I tell ya, Kickstarter-style crowd funding is very powerful.

— KK”

About Lloyd Kahn

Lloyd Kahn started building his own home in the early '60s and went on to publish books showing homeowners how they could build their own homes with their own hands. He got his start in publishing by working as the shelter editor of the Whole Earth Catalog with Stewart Brand in the late '60s. He has since authored six highly-graphic books on homemade building, all of which are interrelated. The books, "The Shelter Library Of Building Books," include Shelter, Shelter II (1978), Home Work (2004), Builders of the Pacific Coast (2008), Tiny Homes (2012), and Tiny Homes on the Move (2014). Lloyd operates from Northern California studio built of recycled lumber, set in the midst of a vegetable garden, and hooked into the world via five Mac computers. You can check out videos (one with over 450,000 views) on Lloyd by doing a search on YouTube:

15 Responses to Australian Beekeepers Invention: Honey on Tap

  1. Hey Lloyd, I look at the times of some of your postings and I have to wonder (if it's not too personal), how many hours of sleep do you get each day?

  2. when I first read about this, watched the videos, I thought it was brilliant…As in, a MUCH better idea brilliant…

    since then, reading more of the comments on some of the articles, has made me wonder about a few things…
    -there is a clear section at the end for bees to be observed…….does it stress the bees out to have a constant light?
    -the inserts are made of plastic, non BPA of course, but new articles I've read claim (which I've long wondered) that the chemical which replaced BPA is just as toxic in different ways, for humans and critters…
    -bees (and wild critters in general) are actually pretty smart and tenacious……..wonder how long it will be before some bee keeper reports tiny chunks out of these inserts, which in turn they find the bees have "bit off or worked off" and incorporated into the actual honey?
    -if bees to manage to work off / wear off chunks of plastic…what new disease will that cause them?

  3. you know, I worry this is not good for the bees….

    there is a reason and need in everything nature (bees) does. When humans try to get so smart and try to outwit/shortcut nature, it seems almost always there is a negative consequence.

    I suspect bees make their honeycombs for a particular reason…….
    -maybe it fulfills certain nutrition needs of bees
    -maybe it gets rid of certain toxins in bees system and this is how they "rid and store" it
    -maybe it fulfills a psychological need of bees (do bees have psychological needs?)
    -maybe this "new fangled" hive will literally exhaust the bees, as they are constantly filling it with honey, and have no down time to make honeycombs?

    don't know…but….I have gone from looking at the video and thinking what an amazing / easy way to "get honey"…
    considering nature/bees have evolved their ways and techniques over thousands of years………maybe there is a reason…????

  4. I don,t want to sound negative, but having honey coming out of a tap in a bee yard is going to cause all kinds of robbing the videos do not show any of this especially near the tap.

  5. so bizarre it is hard to believe it is accurate…but…

    never-before-released data from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service showing more than 300 species of migratory birds – from red-tailed hawks to American kestrels, turkey vultures to mallard ducks – have been killed legally across the United States since 2011 to protect a wide range of business activities and public facilities under what’s called the “depredation permit” program.

    wildlife advocates say the government-sanctioned killing is a taxpayer-funded threat that the birds should not have to face, one that is hidden from the public

    For their part, most of the sandhill cranes usually were killed for eating farmers’ potatoes and corn.

    many are beloved by a broad swath of American society, including great blue herons, white and brown pelicans, cedar waxwings, robins, belted kingfishers and mourning doves.

    And some are struggling to cope with habitat loss, climate change and other threats and are classified by the government as “birds of conservation concern.” These include upland sandpipers, lesser yellowlegs, roseate spoonbills and red-throated loons, who, because of declining populations, could be on their way to the endangered species list.

  6. and now they are releasing GMO male Mosquitoes, which they state must have Tetracycline to live (that is how they designed them so they could be certain they would die in wild).

    only problem is, Tetracycline is available in wild…there is "wild" tetracycline in soil, as well as copious amounts in water ways, due to accumulation fr human use, passing into sewage, and water release…Stay tuned for the next evolution of these critters, and let's hope they die quick.

    Meet the New GMO Mosquito: Millions Carrying the "Kill Switch Gene" Already Released

    according to Oxitec's website. It claims that 95 percent of the offspring die before reaching maturity.

    That 95 percent percent number in and of itself creates issues for environmental groups because many mosquitoes carrying the gene, both male and female, could grow up to maturity and mate – opening up a pandora's box of unknowns throughout the entire ecosystem.

    They've designed the pest in such a way with its kill switch gene, that it requires the widespread popular antibiotic tetracycline to survive. So, as long as the OX513A offspring are unable to get to a supply of tetracycline, they perishes before they can reproduce.

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