Taqueria in Madera, Chihuahua. Note the set-up: hot-dog-cooking trailer at right, donut stand on left, taco stand inside. Everyone sits at tables inside, which is under a simple roof.
Bill Steen is not only the author (along with his wife Athena and David Bainbridge) of the by-now classic The Straw Bale House, but is also an excellent photographer. There was recently an exhibit of his photos from Mexico at the Mexican Heritage Center in San Jose, CA. It was called Borderlands of the Sky Islands, opened during the San Jose Mariachi Festival, and was curated by Linda Ronstadt. Most of the photos are from the Sky Islands region of the border (with Arizona) and also from The Canelo Project, 20 years of construction work the Steens have been doing in Obregon, Sonora, Mexico.
Click here for the gallery of Bill’s photos.
Yaqui tire repair shop in Cocorit, Sonora